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Sorbent Traps

HAP Metals Sorbent Trap

Developed through EPA’s Small Business Innovation and Research (SBIR) program, this sorbent trap provides an alternative…

Mercury Sorbent Traps – EPA Method 30B

EPA Method 30B sorbent traps are specifically designed for Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA) and Low…

PCB Sorbent Trap

PCBs and Pesticides Sorbent Traps

Sorbent Tubes/Traps are the recommended sample collection container for PCBs and Pesticides instead of cumbersome impinger…

Gaseous Fuels Metals Sorbent Trap

Imagine the day when a small 3-5/8” Toxic Metals Sorbent Trap replaces a complex and cumbersome…

US EPA Mercury Measurement Toolkit

The US EPA Mercury Measurement Toolkit is a complete mobile laboratory meant to determine the mercury…

Dry Calibration Standards

Dry standards are foolproof vials filled with impregnated activated carbon spiked with a NIST-traceable mass of…

White Capped SO3 and Sulfuric Acid Mist Glass Sorbent Trap

SO3 & Sulfuric Acid Mist Sorbent Traps

These innovative sorbent traps capture SO3, Sulfuric Acid Mist, and H2SO4 and are especially useful for…

Siloxane Sorbent Traps

Siloxane Sorbent Tubes/Traps are analyzed according to ASTM Method D8230. Our laboratory has taken a leadership…

Orange Capped Selenium and Arsenic Glass Sorbent Trap

Selenium & Arsenic Sorbent Traps

Designed specifically in response to the Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELG), Se and As sorbent traps can…

Mercury Sorbent Traps – Speciation

Mercury (Hg) speciation sorbent traps are designed to differentiate between elemental and oxidized mercury in the…

Red Capped Natural Gas Gold Silica Glass Sorbent Traps

Mercury Sorbent Traps – Natural Gas & Other Fuels

The gold-coated silica trap is designed for sampling and analysis of mercury in natural gas following…

Mercury Sorbent Traps – Hg in Water

Hg in Water Sorbent Traps are less cumbersome than other mercury in water methods. They are…


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