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Founded in 1999

Ohio Lumex was founded in 1999 and quickly made its mark with a new, highly accurate technology to measure mercury in ambient air that became the standard for the US EPA. Since then, we have expanded and taken leadership positions in analysis of combustion gas emissions, biogas and Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), and continue to expand our offering of products and services to be able to better support the needs of our customers.

Our sustained focus on research and development, drive to innovate, commitment to quality, and dedication to supporting our customers has allowed us to become a recognized leader in the field of gas analysis. We look forward to continuing to provide our customers with big results while still maintaining our small company feel and entrepreneurial spirit.


New Ohio Lumex Lab space

Ohio Lumex completes the expansion of its Analytical Laboratory. The multi-million dollar project included doubling of the floor space, acquiring new state-of-the-art equipment, and the hiring and training additional chemists and support personnel.


EPA logo

Ohio Lumex receives the first of two research grants from the US EPA to develop and commercialize a Sorbent Trap alternative to the cumbersome and expensive EPA Method 29 for measuring toxic metals in emissions and gaseous fuels.



Elemental Instruments Logo

Ohio Lumex launches new division, Elemental Instruments, to focus on development of new analyzers for process, emissions, and air quality applications.



Ohio Lumex successfully field tests revolutionary continuous Siloxane Monitoring System based on GC-IMS technology, at several landfills and wastewater treatment plant sites.


Woman doing laboratory Analysis

Ohio Lumex expands analytical laboratory offerings to include method development, custom projects, and gaseous fuels analysis services with a focus on biogas.


Optical oxygen sensors

Ohio Lumex expands its catalog of products to include optical sensors (Oxygen, pH, and Temperature).


Women working in lab

Ohio Lumex adds additional capabilities to its laboratory and field services including analysis of As, Se, and Hg as well as an Entrained Flow Reactor.


Red Capped NH3 Ammonia Glass Sorbent TrapOhio Lumex continues to work with regulatory agencies and industry partners to develop sorbent traps and associated methods for HCl, NH3, SO3, As, Se, and more.



Ohio Lumex finalizes upgrading its portable continuous monitor into a permanently installed mercury process monitor.


Ohio Lumex establishes an analytical laboratory with a focus on EAP EMC test methods.


In addition to installing and servicing instruments, Ohio Lumex expands its Field Services Department to perform specialty testing projects.


Ohio Lumex begins to commercially implement new technology, which takes the company from 5 employees to 40+ employees in just a few years.


Ohio Lumex makes advancements in mercury measurement technology including sorbent traps, sorbent trap analyzers, and continuous emissions monitors.


The U.S. EPA issues the Clean Air Mercury Rule, starting a race to develop technology that allows affected industries to comply with the new regulation.


The U.S. EPA publishes an Environmental Technology Verification Report cementing the Lumex analyzer as a must-have tool in the mercury measurement field.


RA-915M Portable Mercury Vapor Analyzer with Hose
The RA-915 mercury analyzer plays a critical role in a massive cleanup effort after Chicago, IL is hit with a series of mercury spills.


Ohio Lumex is founded and begins to introduce the RA-915 Mercury Analyzer to the market.


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